Sunday, November 21, 2021

No debt or in some unreal

No debt or in some unreal

By Milton Lima 21-11-2021

If my dream here was not a joke or something, I would prove that I was visiting the Louvre museum yesterday. But, as I said, it might have been a dream or whatever.

There, those spaces seemed very far apart to me, while at the same time they were getting closer. I say this because I was already making my way there, there was me and art.

Well, regardless of how unsympathetic I am to size dreams or jokes, the truth is that I don't know any path to the Louvre. If at the very least, I was on the money, I would even now believe so. Those who like me also loved such art should also know that it was all just a dream and nothing more than that.


Now that I see the need for much fantasy, this gift could be real. I hope no one plays with my dream. I have more than anyone, first, to stop and understand, before I mourn my death, I also need to smile at my life.

In the world where to be alive is to fantasize to create my own condition beyond that of my hero, perhaps I have long represented myself as an outsider.

I say this because to be an outsider, here and now, is to remember great events as such, to discover another world. Therefore, just as I did not really dream of his art, now with imagination I leave the Louvre and go to Italy, already in the city of Tuscany, I get a book.

There, I truly understand my own drive. My psychology is an ally, there is everything that makes me dream, I read the sky and in the middle of the earth between water and fire, I find air to breathe.

I see once more my sun very close to mercury. Thus I return to my dream and my surge for the sense.

If my dream still by misunderstanding is a joke, no problem, because I read a map that was born here.

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