Thursday, January 9, 2025

Everything You Need to Know About War, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel in 2025 part 4/5

 By Milton Lima - 09 de janeiro de 2025.



There are times when we talk about something we've mastered. In fact, we couldn't tell you about the war in Syria even if we read all the books. Of course not. That's why (it, it, it, it) we try to respect with our limitation what we put in the way between what we read as such and what we read as true. So the videos show thinkers who can't reach a consensus on what they're playing at, and these struggles seem to find them in the division of powers for the meeting of wars forever. So some photos have the power to bring together who is sending the message and to whom. At the time, the Middle East was in bad shape and a warning zone. The threats posed by terrorist organizations since Osama Bin Laden are more numerous than we can imagine.

When we talk about Osama Bin Laden or any terrorist, we associate the hunt after the 9/11 attacks with an official view and a view that questions what really happened in the Twin Towers.  Of course, the official view will dictate what happens in Iraq in the years after 2000. It will spread to Afghanistan and lead to the great threat that Iran became when it began its military buildup.

If the United States, which since Vietnam has continued to clothe itself in the ties that separated it from England, the role of colonizer and began to seek the role of conqueror, to apply the concept of wars forever, it has since become the practical defender of the unipolar world. Once in search of oil and control of strategic natural resources, it is now struggling more than ever to survive the fall of the petrodollar system.

At the same time as it calls itself the guardian of the democratic system and tries to sell the world an idea of an ideal type of democracy, it supports allies who join it, which is clearly the case with Israel. However, when Israel tries to control the Syrian territory and the Palestinian lands, it is because its interest has a lot to do with the command of the power system, which is Zionism.

It is difficult to reconcile all the sources and the complexity that the subject deserves in a text without fragments, but what I suggest to anyone who is curious to know more about the endless war, or the eternal war, is to always look for the doubt of who is right and who is wrong in this story. The discourse of the dictator here and there, the discourse of the holy people here and there, the discourse is dangerous no matter which side of the story you're on, the care for each individual is certainly something to be preserved in this story. Zionism, for example, has its roots long before Israel's current minister defended every idea his ideology propagates. The killing and extermination of civilians in Palestine, the support of extremist groups in strategic regions, continue to accumulate horrors in the annals of human history.

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