Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About War, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel in 2025 part 2/5

 By, Milton Lima 25-12-2024.

Earlier, I used a video to introduce the very controversial subject of Syria, Palestine and Israel and all that surrounds them. The date I used was 1982. This is not what the divided parties in this text will stoop to present in this text, but it certainly mentions the idea of a division of the territory after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

In the video in part II, it's an update and we go from 1982 to 2024. In the following video, Alastair Crooke, an excellent Middle East analyst, gives an update on what happened in Syria with the fall of the regime and explains the program to destroy Syria that has been underway since the Obama administration.

In order to reflect on what is happening, and when the subject is very complex, I prefer to write in several parts. In this second part, unlike the first part, I'll leave the video almost complete, but I'll leave some of the comments for part three of the series. Here's something that was commented on and not explained in words, the research on the relationship between more than 90% of the population in Syria living in extreme poverty and this clear confrontation between Zionism and those considered non-Jewish. Another important link in this regard can be read in the connection that Zionism has with the power of the United States.

Therefore, from the third part on, the text will go deep into the roots of this crisis, raising issues that are rarely discussed in the mainstream media, which is pro-Zionist Israel, and does little to discuss why there is so much violence, implying that the terrorists are always the Palestinians, which is very contradictory.

Fonte: see here NewRulesGeopolitics 

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