Sunday, December 8, 2019

Deep Democracy in Brazil - part one and bilingual

Deep Democracy in Brazil – By Milton Lima 09-12-2019 – Part one.

Deep democracy with the poor has led all misery to the desire to consume the vulgar. And in my opinion, first of all, there are no innocents either. Why am I going to cry if these facts are evidence? I'll talk more here in Brazil; I imagine they did not sleep without reading the "Principe".

With politics, there are no power elite itself. And do not be innocent; you are the one who says yes to the death policy. Take me to something new from him too. He who? Own system!

The death is there on not education. But has already bought the executive law and rights? Death is there in non-education? But have you bought the executive law and the rights? Neither the constitution nor democracies really respect a bad view of education around here?

How did you tell the story to people? One analysis that seems untold to people is that our history of colonization has always been violent! The goal is to find out why she seems to forget about us. The fight here in Brazil is for the speech that sent its truth first.

Democracia profunda no Brasil – Por Milton Lima 09-12-2019 – Parte um.

A profunda democracia com os pobres levou toda miséria ao desejo de consumir os vulgares. E em minha opinião, antes de tudo, também não há inocentes. Por que eu vou chorar se esses fatos são evidências? Eu vou falar mais aqui no Brasil; Eu imagino que eles não dormiram sem ler o "Príncipe".

Com a política, não há elite do poder em si. E não seja inocente; você é quem diz sim à política de morte. Leve-me para algo novo dele também. Ele quem? Sistema próprio!

A morte está aí na não educação. Mas já comprou a lei executiva e os direitos? A morte existe na não-educação? Mas você comprou a lei executiva e os direitos? Nem a constituição nem as democracias realmente respeitam uma visão ruim da educação por aqui?

Como você contou a história para as pessoas? Uma análise que parece não ter sido contada às pessoas é que nossa história de colonização sempre foi violenta! O objetivo é descobrir por que ela parece esquecer de nós. A luta aqui no Brasil é pelo discurso que enviou sua verdade, em primeira mão.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

El compromiso con la verdad: universidad pública no planta marihuana

Firmado por Milton Lima

Hoy yo no abandono el bien común latino ¿con una exigencia política es posible ser parcial en el tiempo sin duida de los nuestro desigualdad?

¿Bien lucha quien marchaba en el Chile o quien no ha razón sob verdad tal proceso golpista en el pueblo latino y pierde y pierde; y quien defiende quien pierdeo un ojo?

Y ahora el lector tambien es herido o ese simbolico no pasa de la relación con el sistema? Sesgo de los medios en el democracia es su neutralidad pasible en un dominio absoluto? Así es en el Brasil nuestro mi pueblo han sido dirigido con un medio de la comunicación cuj clave siempre foi su unica verdad - Esto se confirma en toda América Latina leia aqui.

Cuando el ministro de educación de Brasil dice que la marihuana se cultiva en la universidad pública federal, ¿pasa algo malo? Es absurdo que Brasil haya oleado esta acusación y es inaceptable que un ministro diga esto y esté a salvo.
En Bolivia también hay un golpe en el curso (ver o artículo Javier Buenrostro)   y "Las movilizaciones populares no se hicieron esperar sobre todo en las regiones que son bastiones del Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), como la región de Cochabamba (incluido el Chapare cocalero), Oruro, La Paz y El Alto, esa ciudad indígena y rebelde a las afueras de La Paz".

Y todo está documentado como señalar el economista Alfredo Serrano ¿Quiénes son los responsables del golpe en Bolivia? "Por el carácter multidimensional del proceso golpista, nunca podríamos afirmar que existe un único responsable. Siempre hay muchos actores que participan en esta tarea, desde quién acaba asumiendo la Presidencia pos golpe hasta aquel que inicia una campaña de desgaste con una fake news". Leia aqui

En la Colombia la frase "no quiero ser un falso positivo" caminaba aún con nostros Latinos? Leia aqui Y también en el Clarín

Como también se puede leer en el periódico argentino, el actual líder del país lanzó un nuevo partido que se autodenomina alianza para Brasil. 

Es importante tener en cuenta que, desde un punto de vista macropolítico, Brasil ya no es un país soberano para hacer frente a la crisis financiera que enfrentaron los países en 2008. Engañar a muchos países con el progreso actual se une a decepciones, precariamente, reforma de pensiones y reforma laboral.

Al comienzo de la fiesta, el presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, eligió el número 38 como arma, pero esto puede ser simbólicamente más significativo, ya que los negros son, por primera vez en la historia de Brasil, especialmente en la universidad pública, una mayoría absoluta. Un día después de la celebración de la conciencia negra en Brasil, este gobierno afirma que su alianza es para el pueblo.

En el país que fue el último en abolir la esclavitud, el país que mata a la gente negra más joven, el país conocido en todo el mundo por ser cordial, es muy violento, y de eso trata este artículo.

Cuando un ministro de Educación dice que su institución de educación superior, que excede el número de agencias en este espacio, y ahora es mayormente negra, también es muy violento al criminalizar una universidad pública al afirmar que hay una plantación de cannabis. 

Pero lo peor de todo es el silencio de los medios brasileños. Poco se dice de la esclavitud. Poco se hace para cambiar esta historia de acusaciones, barbarie, guerra, a una clase y una porción de colonizados, y lo peor de todo, todavía usan el nombre de Dios. Y proponen tributo al dictador Pinochet, y también buscan borrar historia sanguinaria de la dictadura. Lo que dijeron fue que la democracia se ha convertido cada vez más en Brasil, un estado totalitario. El poder es ahora luchar contra quien está pensando, y cuestionando los, la reducción de la investigación en la universidad es brutal, el derecho al libre pensamiento es un derecho inalienable, y no nos callemos, luchemos juntos contra el mentira que se camubla de la verdad.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A structural and ideological problem

By Milton Lima 20/11/2019
An invitation: to social science or to politic science.
Has nor won't pursuit nor want I sent them my sentence (historical) into what I think of modern here's policy yet? Well can been that has already taught my history the role of the colonialism prevailing in Brazil inside of own ideology who denied to black being view as useful in last their country endless abolished it slavery? 
So itself I go awake uneasy in country that has difficulty rethink his own process in doesn't identify them and to do so a violence we need spoke is aftermath know less or perceived of worse with face of wise. Perhaps too much of us is all policy or soon an invitations to our death?
Day of the black are all day of our history!
Last but not least a wise reflection about the violence bottom well bellow our nose, yes, in Brazil too it happens.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The discourse denied in America Latina where are folk in this game board?

By: Milton Lima 11/11/2019

1- At field there is a democratic smash

The power of synthesis be is views there economic and is more smash, this behavior can be read outsides and inside thesis inequality ( see: la región más desigual del mundo) but we cannot lost of views what will talk itself by here in America Latina.

When looking to Venezuela will say that there is a dictatorship as seems that there is now in Bolivia. Indeed happened other fact also in Brazil, the ex-president Luis Inacio Lula Silva not sews choice his freedom also is victim to word coup d'etat.

Why power of elite too is smash?

While Wright Mills sociologist in half of century XX was argument his book the power elite who if between formed a new framework, three new field is divided of military, bankers and government into goes form of circle between elites. The author too need was dialogic with thought of Pareto and logic reason and not logic at inside of policy.  But after elections in Argentina, and of Uruguay, (see too: lo que está por definirse and with the manifestation in Chile when synthesis make by sew with the power elite? Will be that is go being with the mass?

2 – Maybe a new world is possible in America?

Believe I aware is John Kay 2015th chooses write Other People’s Money: the real business of finance, with the eyes in next crisis that stem goes in course after 2009th, see who go that won with trade war.

The siege draws the owind to risk, to crisis to leadership of profit and speculation of the trader. In introduction Kay wrote “Anyone passing the skyscrapers of Wall Street or the City of London will be impressed by the scale and scope of modern finance. Logos display familiar names such as Citigroup and HSBC”.
And by this we back at from neither Wright Mills nor everything been say other here is busy by ideology with who us lack courage to aim truth mostly when we talk about domination of world (read also domination of America Latina).

3 - Where us failed while democrats?

What’s helpful itself to me what? To concentrate me themselves here in America Latina seem of phases of the lectures of the conjectures polices. Yes, phases. Country who living a history of the 30th years of democracy, yes I spoke that in this country by name Brazil is new and may jump same late to world better.

An Austrian wrote about respect this country of future. Stefan Zweig was the great humanistic our era. In Chess a of their last books stay mixing symbols aims whose believe was in mankind. Not stayed with the interpreter of life nor same relationship with a live world but his humanism that chosen on world I see likewise cry by brief shift world. Now I reading the world that I live and in America Latina dream continuous swooping to being known as a world desire see. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ocean and chart of the spreading can trigger an endless war?

Ocean and chart of the spreading can trigger an endless war?

When James K. Feibleman wrote Understanding Civilizations the shape of history, in 1975 seemed have much happy, at analyzed religious as a drama.  In world of today we aim no more understanding the myth or a new way to civilization. So what we aim now if not look to history underway and doesn't whole cycle we looking coming be what are seen?

Second Feibleman (1975: 55) “Empire came to an end in 410, when the Goths broke through the frontiers and sacked Rome - an event that had a profound effect on Augustine".

To Borges a chart cannot answer reality and the writer of argentine is a author classic our time. Who would ask of genesis to our narrative if not St. Augustine "Why did God permit so much misery to happen to mankind?" (Feibleman, 1975: 57).

It all that to say: our civilization belong the other form of life. The news aimed always being in order, framework of path was belief in world better, but what freighted of truth always was his truth ness less of world being a happy desire to all. We will stop of killer us? The chart no went of life to death, the war no stopped in second time of football.

The peoples does his our history unknown the cause of dead that cannot have his death more cry.

The violence seem me grace divine, path and truth side the side, genocide, New Testament, its is here in our epoch at apocalypse technological.

Who would imagine that the technology prefer to believe in world modern?

Yes is truth that the world changed. The problem went having believed in truth.

Italy and all his empire, by sea discover the new world; already the Portuguese’s gone the way of the India’s and discover the Brazil. The community global today knows the Amazon in country of football. Last but not least if forgot say me why the world likes of forget deity or clean of death maybe I can say because you're believe the new Silk Road. And of new if forgets the banks e properly that the class underlet will be more a number dead.

By Milton Lima, social scientist always in formation – 28/10/2019.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The power of reading in world

The power of reading in world

Exist a war much silent happening at world. Their warring live to be of our sides dream with artificial intelligence same time that his death or life is view a failed economic system. Soon the account will arrive to likely half peoples as a new culture; right is that pain allies filling part of the discourse with change climatic isn't view as part of system and there is a world at dredgers who will need waiver. Nevertheless neither relief same poetry of Eliot "The Burial of the Dead" would able if keep tenable and undoubtedly the war must be core in everything that whether be happening in world.

To approaches of reading a world outwit of our culture is give step for forget it what Magritte call 'the false mirror' off willingness that us approach of being other consumers. Be the desire or matters must have a point common. The case also can and must be under a word who circles the world as soon as her is absolute send to happy with his etymology of happiness. How the belief, religion, as ideology and power strung to conquest a new memory. Since that everybody thought in connect us by internet last in globalization the financial capital not was more same. And now the question is why exist a principle common between us and them, between the speculation and o planet.

Disponível em: MoMA

The picture above was presented at The Museum of Modern Art, New York in 1928. And was James Thrall Soby who catalogues the exhibition of René Magritte.
Indeed a frame that can be view to reading or vision of world in this moment is the psychological war. The word crisis back be in taken crucial before the population increase but after of technology the policy over planet them flow whole about in power of preservation. At underwood or born in city the fire that us transform in culture is preview imperial system of domination in world. Underdeveloping or developing countries to apply capital controls tariffs will life the step with a new policy over climatic? I'd prefer believe that it have been role and interest of great monetary system fixed develop in mankind the own fear of war scientific and are the poor the 99% of a part and the rich 1% that sides out in this war.
The problem and impact of the change climatic not has called us into reflexion with emphasis us interest invisible who continues in economic world. Accumulation of capital and wash money, violence and a power wake does with that the world awakes the more soon possible.
At basis in this information seems clean the way of reading of world. The great potentials in world today project a new system. The new Silk Road promise have been available to next generation really behavior about make join the new policy in world. The USA, Russia, China, India, Japan.
Most of us can have subsidies as emprises? To Jane McAlevey (see here The Path to Climate Justice Runs Through the UAW Strike) the General Motors has received close to $50 billion in subsidies and has diminished number of jobs. Is as go say John M. Ackerman (see here 'Fake news': ¿Hay un punto de referencia? ) “The Internet is not a neutral space, but a battlefield where different interests and agendas are pushed”.

Maybe each power have his limit in development, but is need while reader choice this references often and not themselves form inside his own attack microcosm and macrocosm done whole of without. It means that the world with the internet discharges about us big responsibility politics. While are 99% without organization politics of power the others 1% have care draw in us make doing believe hope. Prometheus us the fire now what have mankind if not death heroic?  Prometheus us the democracy the freedom also the justice and by end liberty but whole history have been to told we and believe in dream who in the end will be free to forever of us slavers of work and wealth do will be go mind think because now have the power? 99% are poor is the democracy is of the people.

By Milton Lima, 23/09/2019.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Abu Abujamra e o que fica é sempre a gentileza

Aquilo que fica: saudades do Abujamra 16/09/2019

Ontem foi o aniversário do Abu. O grande Abujamra fez deste um alucinado por tudo que ainda não se conhece, desde a poesia até os grandes mestres da literatura que ainda teimam por esperar leitores ávidos que os mereçam à grata experiência de ouvi-los mesmo que estes a nós não digam nada. O caminho registraria 87 anos de vida do Abu dizia a chamada da rede pela TV cultura em suas redes sociais. Foi ali que ele se consagrou com o programa provocações, que esteve com ele por 15 anos, até que o querido Abu nos deixaria órfãos de sua famosa frase do poeta espanhol “Aí de mim” oh Segismundo que se esvai no teatro: A vida é um sonho.

O que é a vida?

E pensando neste filósofo que fez a dúvida ser tão mais idolatrada por este que os escreve, persigo aquilo que fica.

Talvez se o Abu me conhecesse ou pudesse ler isto, imagino que sua reação seria performática e séria e não diria nada, pois ele costumava dizer que o fracasso e o sucesso se encontravam no mesmo patamar.

Se o que fica é a saudade, também é possível dizê-lo oh caro leitor, que conhecer o Abu em tempos tão escuros pode ser uma gentileza a si mesmo.

O pouco que me sobra de curiosidade deixo-os pelos versos que me leva até o Sesc Ipiranga na exposição em que o homenageou por Rigor e Caos. A visitação esteve disponível de 29 de novembro de 2018 até 17 de março de 2019.

Abu lembrara muito do Brecht e nos dizia: precisamos mudar o mundo!

E se o Abu também citara Borges com “o sonho não deve durar mais que uma noite”. Volto ao Borges para elucidar o mapa da vida que nos legou a saudade.

Abu um mestre muito além do teatro,

Aquele diretor que precisava atuar,

Tal como necessitava da vida sugar,

Tudo que ela mesma não devia falar,

Pois a dúvida assim se portaria cruel,

E assim mesmo ele a amaria.

Nas árduas perguntas sempre haveria o risco,

Aquele de não se conter no abismo,

Ou outro que não nos cabe um vínculo,

Quais pudessem nos encontrar comum,

De tão veloz e muito sagaz o mundo mudou,

As pessoas se esqueceram do mapa,

E assim cabem a nós todos os curiosos, perguntar:

Cadê a velha e boa dúvida que trouxe a saudade...

Milton Lima – saudades de ouvir suas provocações grande Abu.



Thursday, August 1, 2019

Think with Henrich Böll: the society in modernity

Maybe outwith an issue awake: The Clown me seem a strongman although highlighting a think hard of his age, hope here has not madden everything what was believed to lack aware postwar. The psicology and discourse seem to might aim now the os candles off our time! A break to reading Henrich Böll – “The Clown”.
The step go had aimed a history and strategy give is aware when what if while want talk about her.
And indeed we 'd rather dare well authentic. To told the chronic what non aren't truth - all knew the it being naive.
I would prefer to busy with of fantasy and literature but I'm same also in world whole: a discourse of war. 
As let go wether with hungry this who him has of culture?
It self come without as our author saying a unique word and could same as be talking of madness, that taught or being accustom with reality.
Who become clown in our world or what be us if wont a product?
Yes, meaning where if want believe a dream the history of clown start now win the psychoanalisis.
To stay not frightened must know the war always will existing.  And before while worst things make themselves to use of consume outher people where our witness of time us give historical knowgde claiming hope, happiness, in way there are meet to a deeping can belief that are say as truth happen here and now, let's go believe in next memory.
Since the change of century XIX us view beyound welfare, that wide willing does of his clown the our also, and homeless we us fell by a dream - the of be free. Thus man is drawing in seige of belief it self on mirror.
But his skull me seem been less aware who own word mirror think, and by not if see at more aware thus renegade of ideas with it self where free would him believe be forght to was goes swooping into his must deep unaware of not have nor one god commom.

Free thinking!
By Milton Lima 01/08/2019.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A morte de Agnes Heller

Fonte:la republica

As voltas com o mundo por mais de três minutos em nossa esteira, eis que caminharam 15 meses – desde a minha última postagem por aqui –, e por isso fá-lo-ei de retalhos. Mas esta costura traz consigo novos e contundentes traços de memórias.

Apenas para adentrar há nossa lembrança a quem escrevera de justiça; sua morte que se esvai pelo grande meio jornalístico, que senão o jornal italiano “La republica” não nos era possível fazer jus da lembrança que se torna aos nossos olhos homenagem, ainda que uma lembrança, minhas escusas de antemão ao saudoso público que a leu – esta grande pensadora. Aqui são meus votos de despedida e registro, àquele que Walter Benjamin encontrar-nos-ia na fotografia numa técnica que a nós é dada em sua autenticidade – ainda que em plena reprodutibilidade.

Sobrevivente de um regime totalitário, a filósofa é chamada de intelectual e crítica de qualquer forma de regime herdeiro desta maneira de governar – no texto de Andrea Tarquini.

Ainda nos lembra no artigo “ela se foi como uma grande dama (...) a pouco de completar 90 anos, era sã e lúcida, vivíssima e pronta para um novo evento público na Itália” (tradução livre).

Quando (alguém que a não conhecia, fazer uma pesquisa sobre ela, há de encontrar uma nota, com certeza, de sua proximidade a Lukács) se for a procurá-la saiba que esta tinha uma voz ecoante no marxismo, e, sobretudo, na modernidade.

Em uma entrevista (link) responde o porquê escolheu a filosofia na década de 40 do século XX. Dissera Agnes Heller (em o pós-marxismo e a ética da modernidade): “conheci a filosofia através de um namorado (...) em 1947, resolvi estudar filosofia e Lukács, foi meu professor”.

Há muito que falar desta intelectual que se foi no dia de 19/07/2019. Aqui nossa saudação, descanse em paz professora Agnes Heller.

Milton Lima, 19/07/2019.

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